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Hillview Crest Elementary School
Volume 1, September 5, 2003

School Breakfast/Lunch Program

The Food Service Program at Hillview Crest operates every school day. Students pay $1.00 for breakfast and $1.75 for lunch. The cost of milk is $.30 when purchased separately. Parents who think they qualify for free or reduced meals must fill out a new application each year. Please do so as soon as possible. Forms were enclosed in an earlier mailing sent out from the district office. Extra copies are available in the school office.

Parents will be notified by the District Food Services Department whether they are approved or denied. It usually takes two to three weeks to process applications. Notification is mailed to the student's home address. Each student must submit a new application if they want to qualify for free or reduced meals during this new school year.

Back-To-School Nights

We will have two Back-To-School Nights. Families of lower grade students (K-2) will attend on Monday, September 22, 2003, 7:00 pm to 8:30 PM Upper grade families (3-5) will attend on Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM The administration has scheduled a general session meeting which will convene in the multipurpose room (cafeteria) at 7:00 PM At approximately 7:30 PM parents will be dismissed to their student's classroom. We hope to have all of our parents attend. Childcare will be provided in the school cafeteria. We encourage parents not to bring children into the classrooms. Mark your calendar and plan to attend "Back-To-School Night!"

English Language Advisory Council

The first meeting of the English Language Advisory Council will convene on Monday, September 15, 2003 at 6:00 PM This meeting will be held in the Media Center (school library). All families whose students have a language other than English spoken in the home are encouraged to attend this most important meeting.

School Site Council Nominations
and Elections

We need interested parents to attend, but most important, to participate with the Hillview Crest School Site Council (SSC). All parents and/or guardians are invited to attend. Parents who are interested in being part of the voting membership for our SSC are asked to let us know by filling out the form that will be in the first Thursday Envelope.

Please plan on attending the first SSC meeting of the year on Monday, September 15, 2003, at 7:00 PM All SSC meetings are held in the Media Center (school library).

The annual SSC Election will be held at both of the Back-To-School Nights, September 22nd and 23rd. Parents are encouraged to cast their vote and voice their choice for the voting membership. Ballots will be distributed during the general session meeting at both Back-To-School nights. It is important that all parents participate in the election. This is your opportunity to have a representative voice in our schoolwide improvement efforts. We need parent support and involvement in decisions that influence and affect our students. (Please vote only once.)

Student Safety

It is important that students are clear about parent directions for arriving and departing from school. Please make sure that your child is aware of the procedures your family will follow. Every year we have many students who do not know if a parent is picking them up or if they should walk home. Please make your directions clear before your child leaves for school.

Important Note: No child will be released during the school day to a person who is not on the emergency form. All adults (babysitters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) who picks up your child when they are ill or have an appointment must be on the emergency form. Students not picked up at the end of the day within a reasonable time will be assigned to the Kids First Program and parents will be charged.


If your student will be absent, please call the office at (510) 471-5720 ext. 300. Leave a message that includes the student's first and last name, grade, room number and the reason for the absence. You may call this number 24-hours a day to report your child's absence or after 8:00 am to reach the attendance clerk. Please try to schedule medical appointments after school hours or plan to send your student to school for a part of the instructional day.

School Supplies

A flyer was given to your child at the end of the school year regarding school supplies. Enclosed in the Thursday Envelope you will find a copy of this flyer which has a list by grade level of school supplies needed for this school year. Be prepared for class on the first day of school with the supplies that you need.

Cookie Day

The most popular day of the week for students is Thursday. During the lunch recesses on Thursdays, cookies are sold to students. Students may purchase one or two cookies. Cookies ate $.25 cents each.

School Hours

A.M. Kindergarten - 8:35 - 11:55 am
P.M. Kindergarten - 12:00 - 3:20 PM
1st - 5th Grades - 9:10 - 3:20 PM


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