Hillview Crest Elementary School
School Site Council

Article I: PURPOSE

The purpose of this organization shall be to:

1. Function as an avenue for communication between parents, school personnel and the community.

2. Participate in the assessment, development, approval and annual update of the School Improvement Plan and of the allocation of School Improvement Plan funds received from the State of California.

3. Monitor and modify the School Improvement Plan and the allocation of School Improvement Plan funds on an ongoing basis to reflect changing needs and priorities throughout the school year.

4. Be responsible for fundraising activities for the Hillview Crest School Funds.

5. Suggest, review and approve Hillview Crest School Funds expenditures in cooperation and agreement with the Hillview Crest staff and the Kid's Council.

6. Take other actions as required by the California State Education Code or by the School Community Program Council.


1. This council shall be composed of:
a. The Principal, Assistant Principal.
b. Classroom teachers selected by the teaching staff.
c. Other school personnel, i.e. teacher aides, custodians, clerical staff, specialist(s), selected by other school personnel.
d. Parents and community members selected by Hillview Crest parents.

2. This council shall be constituted to ensure parity between Hillview Crest personnel and Hillview Crest parents and community members.
a. There shall be eight Hillview Crest personnel School Site Council members, with classroom teachers in the majority. There shall be alternate staff members chosen by Hillview Crest personnel.
b. There shall be eight Hillview Crest parents and community School Site Council members, with parents in the majority. There shall be two alternate members as chosen by Hillview Crest parents.

3. Member responsibility shall be:
a. To attend Hillview Crest School Site Council meetings.
b. To serve as officers and representatives of the Hillview Crest School Site Council as needed.
c. To support the officers and representatives of the Hillview Crest School Site Council through cooperation, communication and participation.
d. To seek out, consider and represent the opinions and concerns of the parents and staff, not just those of the individual members.
e. To help make sure this council fulfills its purpose.

4. Elections:
a. The Principal shall provide an opportunity for the classroom teachers and other school personnel to elect their School Site Council members and alternates.
b. An opportunity will be provided in September for Hillview Crest parents to elect parents and community members and alternates.

5. A vacating member shall first be replaced by a designated alternate. If an alternate is not available, a new member shall be elected following the criteria set forth in Article II 1 and 2 of these Bylaws by those present at the regular School Site Council meeting to be held no more than 30 days after the vacancy announcement.


1. The voting membership of the council shall not exceed 16.

2. Each School Site Council member shall be entitled to one vote.

3. An alternate member may vote only in the absence of a regular member.

4. Non-member parents, community members and Hillview Crest personnel shall be encouraged to participate in all discussions of this council and may be asked for a show of hands to determine their consensus concerning a question, but they may not vote.

5. Official votes shall be taken only when a quorum is in attendance. A simple majority of the voting members of this council shall constitute a quorum.

6. The voting members shall vote on matters pertaining to these Bylaws, the School Improvement Plan, the authorization to have a modified school day, the allocation of School Improvement Plan funds and the Hillview Crest School Funds.


1. The officers of this council shall be: chairperson, co-chairperson, secretary, parent volunteer coordinator(s) and the English Language Advisory Committee representative.

2. The chairperson and the co-chairperson must be voting members. The secretary, parent volunteer coordinator(s) and the English Language Advisory Committee representative may be non-voting members.

3. The officers of the School Site Council shall be elected at the first meeting following the schoolwide election of voting members. The chair and co-chair will serve concurrently for one year. The co-chair will automatically assume the chair position for the following year. A year will be added to the co-chair's term if he/she is in the second year as a voting member when he/she assumes the position of co-chair.

4. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by an eligible member elected by those present at a regular meeting to be held within 30 days of the vacancy announcement.

5. The chairperson shall:
a. Facilitate School Site Council meetings.
b. Assist in developing agendas.
c. Coordinate/monitor activities and committees.
d. Appoint committee chairpersons.

6. The co-chairperson shall:
a. Act in the absence of the chairperson.
b. Assist the chairperson to coordinate/monitor activities and committees.
c. Provide for representation of the Hillview Crest School Site Council at the regular and the executive board meetings of the School Community Program Council.
d. Report back to the School Site Council regarding content of School Community Program Council meetings.
e. Become chair the following year.
f. Have at least one year of active membership on a site council.

7. The secretary shall:
a. Record minutes of each monthly School Site Council meeting.
b. Type minutes or provide handwritten minutes to school secretary for typing and distribution at least one week prior to next meeting.

8. The parent volunteer coordinator(s) shall:
a. Develop and maintain a name file of parent and community volunteers.
b. Develop and utilize a Telephone Tree.
c. Coordinate volunteers with teachers and other school personnel as needed.

9. The English Language Advisory Committee representative shall:
a. Represent the parents' point of view on multilingual issues.
b. Attend bi-monthly committee meetings.
c. Assist school personnel in organizing activities related to this committee.


1. The School Site Council shall meet regularly on the third Monday of each school calendar month at 7 p.m.

2. Public notice shall be given for all regular meetings, indicating the time and place of the meeting.

3. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

4. Meetings shall be open to the public.

5. Town hall meetings shall be held three times per school year to encourage nonmember parents, staff and community members to share their views on a pertinent topic and to become more involved in Hillview Crest. A town hall meeting shall also be considered the regular School Site Council meeting for that month.


1. Activity and Fundraising Committee, formerly known as the Parent and Community Together committee, shall plan, develop and organize schoolwide fundraising activities separate from those sponsored by the school. The committee also will designate how the funds will be allocated.

2. The School Site Council may from time to time establish and abolish any standing or special committee as the need arises.

3. Unless otherwise determined by the School Site Council, committee membership shall be open to all interested Hillview Crest parents and staff members.

4. The School Site Council chairperson shall appoint committee chairperson.


1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a simple majority vote of the School Site Council.

HVC SSC Bylaws
Amended June 4, 2001