Room 31's Study of the

Mission Santa Clara de Asís

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Santa Clara Mission was founded in January 12, 1777 by Father Junipero Serra. Santa Clara Mission is by San Francisco on the coast of California. It's located at Santa Clara College on the Alameda, in the city of Santa Clara. Don Juan Baptista also founded Mission Santa Clara. There are 21 missions along the coast of California, stretching from San Diego to San Francisco. The padres wanted to settle the land around the mission and to convert the Costanoans to Christianity.

Before coming to the mission the Costanoans' life style was that they made their own homes. Their tribe region was at the coast. Their fire places were in the middle of their houses. Some assembly houses could be big! These are some facts about the Costanoans.

The Indians did a lot of work at the mission like cooking and cleaning. The Padres often would beat the neophytes at the mission. The Padres would often have Indians do most of the work.

The Mexican government took over and that's how the mission closed down in 1836. Today at the mission tourists still visit. Our class went on a field trip to the Santa Clara Mission. The garden was very pretty.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission Santa Clara de Asís

Missions Home Page


Mission Web Site

The name of my mission is Santa Clara De Asis. It was founded on January 12,1777 by Father Junipero Serra. There were a lot of Indians in California. There were 21 Missions along the coast of California, stretching from San Diego to San Francisco.

The name of the tribe at the Santa Clara Mission was Costanoans. Their tribe was at the coast . They made their homes with branches and grass.

Mission Santa Clara led the other missions in baptizms as well as burials. The Indians did a lot of things like cooking cleaning and farming. The padres did farming and taught the Indians to speak Spanish. The padres also taught them Christianity.

Mission Santa Clara was one of the last missions to be taken over by the Mexican Government in 1836. In 1926 the mission church that had survived more than a hundred years was destroyed in a fire. In the fire a lot of things were not destroyed. We went on a field trip and we watched a movie about Indians. Today at the mission there is a statue of Father Serra.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission Santa Clara de Asís

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A mi me gusto el paseo a santa Clara de Asis. Vimos muchas cosas de interes. Una de las cosas que nos ensenaron fue la iglesia antigua. Alli vimos unas imagenes bellas de la virgen de Guadalupe, de Cristo y de los angeles. tambien vimos unas huellas de animal imprimidas en el piso atras de la iglesia. En el comedor de la mission, habia muchos trastes que usaban los indios y los misioneros. Tuvimos muy buen tiempo y nos divertimos mucho en el paseo de la mission de santa Clara de asis.

I really enjoyed our field trip to the Santa Clara de Asis Mission. We saw many interesting things. One of the things they showed us was the antique church. There we saw some beautiful statues of Our Lady of Guadulupe, Christ, and the angels. We also saw some animal paw imprints on the grounds behind the church. In the mission's dining room, there were many pottery dishes that the Indians and the missionaries used to cook and serve the food. We had a very good time on our field trip to the Mission of Santa Clara de Asis.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission Santa Clara de Asís

Missions Home Page



Mission Web Site

Me diverti mucho en el paseo a la Mision de Santa Clara de Asis. Me gusto mucho el interior de la iglesia. Tiene muchas estatuas de Dios, de los angeles, y de los santos. Son muy bonitas. Tembien me gusto una casa. Hecha de palos, donde vivian los indios. Fue muy divertido el paseo.

I really enjoyed the field trip to the Mission of Santa Clara de Asis. I liked the interior of the church very much. It had many statues of God, the saints and the angels. They were beautiful. Also, I liked the house made of sticks where the Indians lived. It was a very enjoyable trip.