Room 31's Study of the

Mission San José

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Mission Web Site

The name of my mission is Mission San Jose. Mission San Jose was founded July 11,1797 by Fray Fermin Francisco Lausen. Mission San Jose is now in Fremont, California. Mission San Jose was the 14th mission to be founded. It was one of the most prosperous missions on the northern coast. Adobe bricks were used to build the San Jose Mission.

The name of Mission San Jose's tribe was Costanoans and they lived on the northern coast of California. Before the Indians came to the mission, they made their own food and made their own houses. They made their homes out of poles covered with grass and tule reeds and ferns. Every year or two they would burn the house and make a new one.

At the mission some of the Indians did work and there are a lot of kinds they did. They did weaving, farming, tanning leather, and making tools. Mission San Jose was in a troublesome location known as to be an area populated with many run away neophytes and hostile tribes.The tribe worked very hard and who ever tried to run away was going to be disciplined. The padres worked and taught the Indians how to live their life style at the mission. Some of the Indians tried to run away from the missions and some of them got caught.

After 1834 the mission was controlled by the Mexican Government. It became a church until there was an earthquake in 1868. In 1985 one of the most authentic restorations of all the California missions was completed in Mission San Jose. Now people from all over the world visit the authentic Mission San Jose.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission San José

Missions Home Page


Mission Web Site

The name of my mission is San Jose. It is the 14th mission. Mission San Jose was founded by F ather Fermin Francisco Lasuen. Father Fermin Francisco Lasuen founded it in July 11,1797. Mission San Jose is 15 miles from the city of San Jose but it is in Fremont.

The name of the tribe that lived at mission San Jose was Costanoan. Their region is on the northern coast. Their life was like other Indians from the California northern Coast. Costanoans made their homes out of poles covered with bunches of grass, tule reed and ferns. Indian women waited for the right season to find and gather the needed plant materials.

At the mission the Indians did farming, tanning leather, and making tools. They tried to run away from the mission but they would always get caught and they would always get whipped.

In 1834 the mission was taken over by the Mexican government. Today tourists visit Mission San Jose.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission San José

Missions Home Page


Mission Web Site

Mission San Jose was founded June 11, 1797 by Father Fermin Lasuen.
It is in Fremont, Califoirnia on the northern coast of our state. The California Native American tribe that lived at this mission was Costanoan. They lived differently before they came to the mission. They fished and hunted for their food. After they came to the mission they lived in adobe houses and farmed. The mission closed down in 1834 because the Mexican government took over the mission. Now the mission is restored and tourists come to visit.

Room 31's Study of the

Mission San José

Missions Home Page


Mission Web Site

Mission San Jose was founded in July 11, 1797 by Father Lasuen. It is in Fremont, California on the northern coast of California .The California Native American tribe that lived at this mission was Costanoan. They lived differently before they came to the mission.They made slabs of redwood and redwood bark leaned together in a cone shape. After they came to the mission they built adobe houses and farmed. The mission closed down in 1834 because they had problems and the Mexican government took over the mission. Today people go visit it from all over the world.