@2002 Sue Morgan used with permission.

How to use the library catalog

(Note: This page is printer-friendly)
1. Open Netscape
2. From a CLASSROOM or HOME computer,type in this URL:


From a MEDIA CENTER computer, go to the Media Center web page and click on the small C.A.T.S. logo:

3. Click and hold on the "New Haven: All Branches" button. A list of schools will appear.
4. Scroll down to "Hillview Crest Elementary"
5. Click on "Enter the Catalog". You are now on the main search page.
6. Click on the "Keyword Search" pawprint. You can search the catalog by…

• Type in the author's last name
• Click on the AUTHOR button

• Type in one or two words from the title.
• Leave out small words like "a", "an", or "the".
• Click on the TITLE button

• Type a word or words describing your subject
• Click on the SUBJECT
Click on the "Keyword Search" pawprint or use your browser's "BACK" button to return to the main screen.
7. ALWAYS click on the QUIT button when you are done searching.
  • If you do not find what you are looking for, try another word that means the same thing.
      Example: The catalog can find books about automobiles but not about cars.
  • Try adding the letter s to the end of the word.
      Example: The catalog lists only 7 books for the word dog, but 257 books for the word dogs.
  • To organize a very long list, click on the Sort button and choose Author. This will put all of the non-book items (videos, etc.) at the beginning of the list.
  • To see descriptions of the books, click on Full Record Hitlist. To return to the original list, click on Brief Record Hitlist.
  • To see more books on a subject, go into the Full Record Hitlistand click on any subject heading underlined in red.