Thank you for visiting the Disciples of Zor: On-line Robotech fan club web page.
Please take the time now to sign our guestbook, and share your thoughts with us.

Why won't Harmony Gold just resell us the TV version? - charge me whatever, i don't care! Looking for a straight answer...
Allister Quinteros <renzzo@bellsouth.net>
this web site is better than yellow dancers/lancers last concert
EMP-6A <emp6a@aol.com>
this will anser your questionshttp://www.deteched.com/chips/AYB2.swf
kenny <guy@aol.com>
this will anser your questions
kenny <guy@aol.com>
all your bases are belonged to us
Kenny <guy@aol.com>
Your site is totally sweet to say the least not to long ago a friend of mine got me interested in robotech then I visited your site you always have good information and accurate keep it up there are not a lot of good robotech sites that I have found this is without a doubt the best one I have seen.
Trent Bowling <tbowling@futura.net>
darn your still up and running i remember this site when the 486's where out
this is a total cool site best graghics i have everseen!!!
john fletcher <jpfblf@aol.com>
this is a nice web page but how i can dowload de episodes thats the only thing i hate of this site
Victor Duran <retaso@hotmail.com>
Cool. Now if only Harmony Gold could finish Sentinels....
Bayne Macgregor <macgregor@optusnet.com.au>
well, i've benn surfing the internet for 2 year but days ago I asked my self with the f@#k i didn't never search for robotech !!!!!! well, i did and get much info, ONE! page in spansh which is great (AOD - spanish version), but not mush info about Robotech now I got it !!, and i'll try to get some videos or mpeg on the net. if someone read this and have info about where can I get or want to make trades just mail me plz !!!! GREAT PAGE !!! Stay alive and safe plz -Betto McRose
Betto McRose Gamarra <mcrose@netvision.com.py>
April 15, 1985. The day my first dog died. I was 11. That was the day Robotech came into my consciousness. Now, the fantasy world of an 11 year old becomes the deranged workplace slacking of a 25 year old. Thanks DOZ for giving me something "worthwhile" to spend my time doing.
Marc Ferriere <mferriere@snet.net>
Hello! Let me invite you to visit and see my website http://www.altogallego.com about the North of Spain (the Pirynees Mountains). The 3D panoramics are really superb... May I sugest you signing my guestbook. I'd really love if you write to some of the friends who has already signed, because we're creating the "Altogallego's friends Club" . See you.....
Panoramics 3D Spain
Is it possible to get Robotech on DvD? I just love this page and I hope everyone mail me back. I WANT TO BUY ROBOTECH........ P.S-Jeg er RIK.
vegar eliassen <vegarbest@hotmail.com>
I've been watching this site for a long time, just wondering if we're gonna see another update.....? :) The site still looks great! Any RoboFans out there, feel free to email me!
Hacker <VermillionOne@msn.com>
Great site!! Keep this up and robotech might be brought back to tv. This is a great way to maintain and increase peoples awareness of robotech...The best anime series ever! simon
Simon Welby-Solomon <simonleews@hotmail.com>
I really loved Robotech as akid and I have been looking for info on how to get a hold of videos or DVDs. Too bad it is no longer on TV. Great site!!!!!!!!!!!!
S. Singh <gojo96@yahoo.com>
i am an old robotech fan i used to watch it on tv on my way to school i love it amd will ad your site to my favorites
michael drainville <mdrainvill@aol.com>
Robotech is probably the greatest story ! My greetings to You, who carry on the job of making such site. Huh,Cool site, guys!
Stonecold <www.stonecold@mailru.com>
This Site is very cool, I like the layout kind of futuristic, Only one problem the price guide is somewhat lacking, I have a Max Sterling figure from harmony gold MOC, but your price guide doesn't even mention a Max Sterling figure. Thats my only problem with your fine site keep up the good work. - Daniel
Daniel McCray <dmccray@ccccd.edu>
ROBOTECH just kick ASS!!!!!! I mean, it's the greatest story ever put in manga. The script and the characters are absolutelly great. I got really sad when I knew that macross II had only 3 chapters because I think that this story can extend as much as we want it... so I hope Robotech 3000 can blow my mind as Robotech did back in the late 80's when I was a kiddie.
Juan T. <at_yahu@yahoo.com>
Long Live to All the Macross Fans
Ho Sze Sien <jmonvf19@2bsure.com>
excellent robotech page!
Darth999 <yes>
Robotech rocks!!! Did you hear about robotech 3000. it is supposed to be like beast wars. can't wait for that.
Bubba Fokker <jbaum1@yahoo.com>
When I see the Robotech series in my country,I feel all the electrifying emotion of every chapter, in 1987 the serie ends in Costa Rica,and never appears again,when I learn about the use of the internet,I began a search of any information possible,and today I find your nice page. In the name of all the robotech fans in Costa Rica,thank you,for bring to us the emotion of remember our beloved Robotech. I like to receive posters or pictures of the serie.
francisco arturo salas smith <smith17@latinmail.com>
this page is very fun and good construyed I´m lived in the country of Chile
Diego Poblete M <gary_oaks@starmedia.com>
I am trying to find a copy of the Robotech Macross Saga. If anyone knows where to get a copy of the 6 tapes please send me an e-mail at david.cailles@wcom.com.
David Cailles <david.cailles@wcom.com>
I'm very impressed with the page, it does the legacy of Robotech proud. I'm currently looking to get my hands on the Robotech series on tape. If anyone knows of a place where I can order them over the internet, I would be eternaly greatful. Please e-mail me if you have any info. Thanks.
Shadowin <tarak_shadowblade@hotmail.com>
I am really into the story of Macross and Robotech. Those are probably the only anime I actually love. I was just wondering if there was any information that you can pass along about purchasing any movies, especially the Mospeda series. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
dreaded <divinepursuit@yahoo.com>
Super page... I love the robotech,macross saga. The page where beautiful nad im impressed. A little question do you know if there is made an movie from the first original robotech saga. If mail me and if you know where i can order, purchase it so PLEAAASSEEEE email me. Greetings from [XS]Timberwolf
Haakon Bratli <haarek82@hotmail.com>
Hmm, good old Robotech. When I was 12 I made every possible effort to always watch the next episode. Now at the age of 24 I regard it as a symbol of the naivety of my childhood. It isn't the best cartoon I have ever seen but it has a special place in my memories. I still watch it whenever I can.
I am so happy that so many people after 15 years still think that Robotech is the coolest cartoon ever! I know you are really busy, but do you know where I could go to get all the Macross saga episodes on cassette? Thanks man Dorian
Dorian <dsvalle@yahoo.com>
In the name of Dolza ! This site rocks !
Guillaume Cassel <gc-x@caramail.com>
The purpose of this message is twofold. First, just to say that this is an excellent site and a great resource. Excellent work! Second to provide a shameless plug. I finished an action figure film last year called Battle of the Bedroom which features Star Wars, Star Trek, and Godzilla toys plus, of course, Robotech. Two of the stars are the film are Roy Fokker and Rand (okay so I paid no attention to continuity). They use Excalibur Mechs, tackle a Zentraedi Power Armour and team up with Rei (from 'Fist of the North Star'). You can download the trailer from my homepage, and then link to Jedinet to download the whole film. Just thought some of the Robotech fans out there might be interested. See ya!
Scott Middlebrook <scott.middlebrook@austrade.gov.au>
Excellent site,Keep up the good work
The LIon <lionofthesword@aol.com>
It's been a long time since I saw Robotech becouse my mom had cabel cut to our house at about the time just before the last few episodes of the S.D.F.1. episodes and I thout I missed the ending ,but I went to a frends house and buy luck I was ably to see the end. And I glad to see some one try to brige back the Robotech series.
Tiel S.D.F.1. <oiram@snap.com>
Robotech was the coolest thing I had ever seen, it was first on when I was like ten years of age.. It still is the best thing I've ever seen... I love the site as well
Funs <funs@xs4all.nl>
Awesome page!!!!!!!! great content, even named it after my favorite character. (just look at my email) keep it up!
Zor Prime <zorprime@mail.com>
NE1 who reads this can feel free to e-mail me about robotech cause none of my friends like it.
James Douglas <invid_pincer_command_unit@hotmail.com>
this is a cool site and robotech ROCKS
Love the site. Keep up the good work.Lots of great stuff. I just wish that the game for N64 would come out eventhough it was cancel.
joe <casperec@hotmail.com>
I love Robotech, but what I like about it doesn't seem to jive with the majority since there are several anime fans here. But, whatever the reason, we think Robotech's cool... Peace
J. Wolff <jpendrigh@hotmail.com>
NERO <nero@japanimation.com>
I liked you web page it was AWASOME my favoriet eposidoes is the invide invashion where Scott Bernard woops the invides @&& it is so cool and i mean cool. I am still trying to find all of the movies but most places dont cary them O well i guess I wont give up until I have the entire set. PEACE
Shawn Smith
This site is great! It's not amateur at all. I'm 25 and have just finished watching my 3 13 year old video tapes containing all but 4 of the 36 Macross episodes. Then I watched the pathetic Sentinels vid. I'm now completely entralled in Robotech again and am listening to Minmay right now trying to find all the web resources I can find. Congrats on a well managed site!
Marc-Alain Ferriere <deanshek@yahoo.com>