KING Take-Off Courses—clear flight training hurdles or sharpen your skills
Contact Vince @ 619-339-4068  Each Video is $6.00  Contact Vince @ 619-339-4068
VFR Cross-Country Flying 
Get the real payoff from learning to fly. Filmed over majestic terrain, this step-by-step guide to planning & flying a fun, safe VFR cross-country trip is for seasoned & new pilots alike. You'll learn hidden traps to avoid, tips to keep you out of trouble, how to make navigation easy, ways to obtain & evaluate weather while enroute, and a flight-tracking system—so you'll never get lost! Plus, learn the most important consideration & how to avoid the most dangerous mistake.

From checking the weather ahead, to selecting & using your Sectionals ... to identifying landmarks & checkpoints along the way ... this course gives you the "ultimate checklist" for efficient & effective cockpit management.
VHS: 119 minutes. 
"This was an essential part of my cross-country and was worth the purchase."
Weather Wise 
A little bit of judgment goes a long way—particularly when it comes to weather. Learn how to make practical, real-world use of weather information to interpret weather data accurately & form a mental picture of the conditions affecting your flight.

Understand the dynamics of fog, ice, thunderstorms, pressure patterns, and frontal systems ... so you can predict and plan for local conditions. Know how to accurately plan your fuel, so you always land with adequate reserves—even in the strongest headwinds. Know when to trust the forecast ... and when not to and how to make smarter decisions in the toughest IFR conditions.  
VHS: 60 minutes. 
"There can never be enough on such a vital subject. Once again, your course emphasizes the importance of understanding weather and its effect on our safety." 
Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy 
With this course you'll change takeoffs and landings from a trial to a joy. You'll impress your passengers (and yourself) with flawless takeoffs and landings even in stiff crosswinds.

Exciting live-action video puts you in the cockpit, at the controls, giving you the sight picture you need for approaches and flares that will have your wheels softly kissing the ground. You learn how to see at a glance whether you're too high, too low or off to one side and you'll gain the tools you need to put yourself right back on the rail. You'll even learn how to recover gracefully from the rare botched flare or touchdown. When you're done you'll be one of the countless KING students who say, "I learned to land by watching your course." 
VHS: 67 minutes. 
"I was having problems with crosswind landings. I watched the course, and solved my problem"
Taming Stalls and Spins 
You'll quickly learn what causes a stall ... how it can transition to a spin ... how to instantly recognize & avoid situations that might result in loss of control ... & steps to take in the event you find yourself in a stalled condition. Dramatic in-flight video compellingly demonstrates the aerodynamics of stalls & spins during everyday flight. Understanding the nature of stalls and spins before you get in the cockpit makes it easier to recognize when you need to take action when you're in actual flight. A "must" for every pilot—regardless of your experience. 
VHS: 58 minutes. 
"I feel I could recover from an accidental spin if needed ... extremely good."
Night Flying 
In-the-air video lets you experience the beauty of flight at night. You'll see how to use all the resources, tools and tricks of the trade for the added utility and enjoyment of night flying—plus review preflight planning considerations for local and cross-country night flights.

Covers critical areas like: improving your night vision and understanding optical illusions you'll encounter, maximizing cockpit lighting, runway and airport lighting aids and markers, night regs, courtesies to extend to your fellow pilots after dark, and preflight considerations.

 Get prepared to spot other aircraft and quickly determine their direction, to deal with night emergencies and engine failure, and even to select suitable emergency landing spots.
VHS: 42 minutes. 
"Helped take the fear, mystery, and risk out of flying under the stars."
Demystify "tower talk" & feel in control on the radio. Through real-world communications with actual controllers you'll learn first-hand proper communication procedures, techniques to use in every class of airspace, & how to get the cooperation you deserve from ATC.

Radio call-up procedures, correct radio terminology, and how to use your radio for increased safety and utility are all there—including communicating comfortably in Class B airspace, when and how to get a Special VFR clearance, procedures for controlled vs. uncontrolled airports— even the best way to resolve on-air disputes. A wealth of pointers on issuing clear and professional communications.  
VHS: 110 minutes. 
"Thanks to this tape, my fear of the radio was easily overcome by knowing what to say and anticipate what's coming."
The Complete Airspace Review 
Know how to use the airspace to your advantage—stay safe and legal in this complex system. Thoroughly covers the FAA's international alphabet soup of airspace requirements—classes A through G, plus TRSAs, etc.—and converts it to easy-to-understand information.

 You'll actually see on-screen how the alphabet airspace system is designed—and what each class means to you. You'll learn a foolproof, fun way to remember specifics about each class of airspace. You'll also review other kinds of airspace you should know about—Special Use Airspace, Controlled Firing Areas, Military Training Routes, Temporary Flight Restrictions, Special Conservation Areas and more.
VHS: 115 minutes. 
"Understanding airspace differences was very difficult until I viewed this course—the graphics were great!"
IFR With Confidence 
Thinking about your Instrument ticket? Or ready to brush up on your skills and know-how? Either way, this course is jam-packed with solid information for your Instrument Rating. Learn how to deal with the most difficult IFR conditions—and how to avoid the pitfalls for the unsuspecting pilot.

You'll get invaluable tips about when to be especially suspicious about the weather. The smart way to pick your IFR alternate airport ... and why you may not be getting the terrain clearance you think you are on many IFR departures.

 Includes hints every pilot can use for that tricky transition back to visual flight references after a tight approach.
VHS: 114 minutes. 
"... removes the unknown. Nothin to it! "
Rules To Fly By
Practical Piloting
All these videos were worth buying as they are very informative and fun to watch!
Check Out The Aviation Private Pilot VFR Audio Checkride Course - $15    Click here for full details!!
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