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Hillview Crest School Site Council By-Laws

What is the School Site Council?

The Hillview Crest School Site Council is a group of parents and school staff who meet to discuss and decide matters which directly affect your child's education. The SSC reviews the Single Plan for Student Achievement, formerly known as the School Improvement Plan, budget and various school-wide functions.

Doesn't the PTA do that?
Hillview Crest doesn't have a Parent-Teacher Association. The SSC is the official parent-teacher decision-making group at Hillview Crest.

What about fundraising?
The SSC has a subcommittee for fundraising. Two common events include a Walk-A-Thon and an end-of-the-year Carnival & Ice Cream Social. The funds raised are put back into the school to benefit the students.

How do I join?
Joining the SSC is as simple as attending the meetings. The only requirement to be part of the SSC is your desire to be involved in your child's education. The SSC does have voting members, who are elected biannually. However, the council seeks input from parents and staff who attend the meetings or provide input in advance.

How often does the SSC meet?
The SSC generally meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. The meetings are held in the Media Center at the school and usually are concluded by 8:30 p.m.

The meeting date may change when a holiday occurs on the third Monday. Please check the Hillview Crest monthly calendar for meeting dates.

English Learners Advisory Committee

What is the English Learners (Multilingual) Advisory Committee?
The ELAC is a group of parents and staff who meet to discuss and decide on matters that affect our multilingual students and program.

How often does the advisory committee meeting?
The ELAC usually meets the third Monday of every month at 6 p.m. Please refer to the school calendar or newsletter for the exact meeting date. The meetings are held in the school's Media Center and are concluded by 7 p.m.

School Community Program Council

What is the SCPC?
The School Community Program Council is a group of parents, school district personnel, school teachers and administrators and interested community members who function as a district-wide communications network to implement school-based coordination.

When and where does the council meet?
The SCPC meets on a Monday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For the 2002/03 school year, the SCPC will meet on: October 24, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, March 6 and April 3. Meetings are held at the district offices, known as the Educational Services Center (ESC), 34200 Alvarado-Niles Road in Union City.

Additional Information

For more information about any of the items listed, contact Principal Brenda Lloyd (471-5720 or e-mail at brenda_lloyd@nhusd.k12.ca.us) or Assistant Principal Linda Wrice (471-5720 or linda_wrice@nhusd.k12.ca.us).

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