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What started as a reminder that a Robotech chat was taking place Thursday nights on AOL soon became a regular weekly e-mail informing the fans of all the latest news on the circuit. And let me tell you, in 1995 there was news galore. All kinds of Robotech or Macross related news climbing out of the cracks. Soon after the e-mails were coming out regularly Fer started adding a new J-Peg to the mix every week, and things were starting to become organized. By October 27, 1995 the club through an almost unanimous decision by the vocal supporting members became the Disciples of Zor.

Now united under a name the DoZ started making that name known. Late 1995 most of 1996, and early 1997 saw probably the larget insurgance of fans to the club ever. This was due partely to how fast the name spread among fans around the globe, even before the launch of the Disciples of Zor web page in 1996 the following had spread to a significant number of members NOT on AOL. But seeing as these fans were missing out on what the DoZ offered the AOL contingent the web page was not far behind.

Probably February or March 1996 Disciples of Zor version 1 was launched to mediocre success. Looking back now on the design and layout I can see why. A simple long scrolling page with the current news update and the latest J-Peg. Not much to offer, and defenitly not pretty. This limited format stayed in service for the rest of '96 and most of '97.

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Mark Dutkiewicz (
owner and moderator of this site.
© 1985 Harmony Gold U.S.A., Inc./Tatsunoko Prod. Co. Ltd., All rights reserved. ROBOTECH is a trademark owned and licensed by Revell, Inc. All copyrighted material on this page is used with out permission for non-profit purposes. In no way is any material being used for personal financial gain.