1997 - 1998:

Growing organically from those first days, the DoZ web page eventually became more graphics intensive,
offered much more content and probably the shining light of fandom the DoZ message board serving fans
from 19971998. It was a boom in the community skyrocketing the DoZ web page to one of the most
talked about Robotech pages on the net. The original DoZ MB is still talked about and remember
fondly by the many fans that frequente the board. However all good things must come to an end I'm
afraid, and shortly into 1999 the DoZ MB was vandalized beyond rescue. Now I'm not a programmer, so
I'm frankly amazed it worked to begin with. But when a couple of characters came along and decided to
have some fun with the board I was totally at their mercy. Not knowing a tenth of what these people
did about perl/cgi script they proceeded to dismantle the DoZ MB, and all I could do was watch. It
also marked a first for the DoZ, we backed off.
About this time another fan by the name of Macross, sick of seeing the DoZ MB being destroyed culminated
a plan with another MB regular Beta, and created the Robotech Message Board, which has until recently
been the official voice of the DoZ. However, one must wonder with the emergance of the Robotech page
where Macross was headed.

please send any questions or comments to
Mark Dutkiewicz (maxsterl@megapathdsl.net)
owner and moderator of this site. |
© 1985 Harmony Gold U.S.A., Inc./Tatsunoko Prod. Co. Ltd., All rights reserved.
ROBOTECH is a trademark owned and licensed by Revell, Inc. All copyrighted material
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